The Official Legends Wife Permission Slip

Please be informed that on____________ 2021, I, _____________________ am requesting permission to play golf, sing, eat and drink too much over an extended weekend with some fellow legends in a foreign country, somewhere in the world, yet to be determined. If granted permission, I will complete all chores and agree to each, every and all requests from you this week. Not attending will result in one or more of the most severe penalties listed below.

  1. Overall handicap reduction by 5 strokes for the next years Legends.
  2. Assessed 10 penalty strokes on the first round of the next Legends championship.
  3. Being happy to be the laughing stock for the other legends for many years to come.
  4. Pay for all food and drink should I ever be allowed join another legends championship
  5. Shine golf shoes for all legends while smiling graciously next year
  6. Clean all former champions clubs and carry their bags to/from cars or vans.

Please sign and date at the bottom so I can submit this completed form to the 2021 Legends President and his vice presidents informing them that I will be attending play.

Thank you,

Signature:___________________________________________   Date:______________

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